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Pretty soon, this site is going to be filled with my fantasy books, and a few scifi books too, I am sure. There isn't a lot to see yet. But I am working on one fantasy fiction that will be sure to knock your socks off. But maybe you are wondering who I am? Let me try to answer that...


Who is Juniper Moon?

You can't catch her.

She runs like a fox and steals stars from the sky.

Whispers of lavender weave secrets in her hair,

and tresses of flower petals float on the waterfall of her gown.

She braves paths where dragons dance,

and pigeons rise up in phoenix fire.

Listen to her sing Au clair de la Lune,

and watch her blow kisses to unicorns.

as she stuffs her cheeks with pomegranate gems.

Author. Imaginator. Masked Bandit.



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